Our History
St. Augustine's Episcopal mission was established in 1897, five years after Creede became an incorporated town. The Venerable Charles Grimes, known as the "Cowboy Preacher" established St. Augustine's, and services were held in a "rudely put up structure." By May 1906, parishioners began to collect money for a building. The new building was first used in March of 1907. The cost was $1024.00.
Through much of its history St. Augustine's has held services infrequently due to problems with distance and lack of priests. Most of the clergy have come from the San Luis Valley. Father Robert Whiting kept the faith alive in the San Luis Valley and Creede from 1944 until 1975. St. Augustine's has never had a priest of its own.
In 1978 a badly needed renovation was completed on the church. The interior and exterior were repaired. The low ceiling was raised and the dark colors and dark furnishings were replaced by lighter colors. A second major renovation was begun in 2021 and is continuing.
In 2008 St. Augustine's joined with St. Stephen's in Monte Vista to form the Upper Rio Grande Liturgical Partnership. . This partnership allowed the training of pastoral leaders who could lead services and give communion. In 2008 Jan Jacobs became the pastoral leader in Creede, and St. Augustine's began having services every week.
Today St. Augustine's has services with Holy Eucharist once a month. On the first Sunday of the month Father Doug Neel, our partnership vicar, is present The remaining Sundays are either Communion service led by one of our pastoral leaders or a Morning Prayer service.
In 2019 a Evening Prayer service was added once a month on major feast days of the church year.
In 2021 the congregation decided to join with the Evanglical Lutheran Church in America and become a joint Episcopal - Lutheran congregation.